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The Barlow RC High School

The Governing Body

The Governing Body of The Barlow RC High School has overall responsibility for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of educational achievement. The Governors are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, overseeing the school budget and appointing staff.


The school's Governing Body is made up of fifteen governors, appointed from five groups with particular interest in The Barlow.  

The Salford Diocese appoints eight foundation governors; two parent governors are elected in a parent ballot; the school staff elect one staff governor representative; Manchester Local Authority nominate a governor and there are two co-opted members of the Governing Body.  The Headteacher is also a member of the Governing Body.

The work of The Barlow is rooted in our Mission Statement and in the following strategic aims of the school which have been agreed by the Governors:


  • To maintain and develop the distinctive nature and character of The Barlow as a Catholic School

  • To take full account of the views of parents, carers and others supporting the school with regard to the running and development of the school

  • To aim for the highest possible standards of progress and attainment from all pupils, with each of them achieving their full potential

  • To provide the widest range of opportunities for learning within and beyond the classroom, ensuring that all statutory requirements for the curriculum are met

  • To provide the highest quality of care, guidance and support for all pupils, nurturing them in their growth in faith and personal development

  • To ensure that the leadership at all levels in the school is of excellent quality, with staff appointments made that are appropriate in helping to support the mission of the school

The Governors are responsible for the formulation and review of school policies and for admissions, attendance, and the welfare of vulnerable pupils.

The full Governing Body meets at least once a term and there are also regular, termly, committee meetings.  The Governors deal with pupil exclusions and similar matters as and when necessary.  In addition, each Governor has a link to a curriculum area or issue and will meet with the Curriculum Leader or appropriate staff member regularly.

The Headteacher is responsible for the management of the school, implementation of all policies and the day-to-day organisation of the school. This often includes liaison with the wider community, the Local Authority and other interested groups.

The Governing Body work closely with the Headteacher, as a critical friend to her and the Senior Leadership Team. They monitor and evaluate progress of the school.


Information about our Governors can be obtained at the link below:


Governor Constitution

Committee Terms of Reference

Roles and Positions

Governor Attendance

Governor Declarations of Interest

Governing Body Meeting Minutes

These are available on request.


Our Governors have not disclosed any diversity information.