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The Barlow RC High School


Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and SEND – Mrs R Seddon

Email: r.seddon@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk

Tel: 0161 445 8053

Assistant SENDCo for Year 7 and 8 – Mrs L Verity

Email: l.verity@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk

Tel: 0161 445 8053

Assistant SENDCo for Year 9-11 - Ms L Hayes

Email: l.hayes@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk


Resource Provision Teacher Manager – Ms H Greatbatch

Email:  h.greatbatch@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk
Tel: 0161 445 8053


SEND Information Report

Information Advice & Support Manchester

The school nurtures partnerships at both academic and pastoral levels, ensuring that pupils’ needs are met. The good levels of care, guidance and support are based firmly on the school’s basic principle that ‘Everyone is a unique creation of God’. Systems to collate and act upon pastoral information ensure swift and effective intervention and support whenever identified.

You can view our Accessibility Plan at the link below: Accessibility Plan

Manchester Local Offer - CLICK HERE

Special Educational Needs

The school provides additional, individualised support to students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and those who have been as identified as experiencing barriers to learning. We make a significant contribution towards The Barlow RC High School being a fully inclusive school through the continued professional development opportunities we provide to staff and through the high-standards of teaching and care that we strive to achieve for all of our SEND pupils. We operate a system of in-class support and targeted intervention, which enables all students to access the curriculum with success. Our SEND pupils are well-cared for and happy in school, making excellent progress year-on-year.

Types of Support available:

Hive 1 and Hive 2 interventions including:

  • Lego Therapy
  • Talkabout Teens
  • Fine motor skills development work such as Fine Motor Skills United
  • Zones of Regulation
  • Touch typing
  • Think First!
  • 1-1 and small group literacy and numeracy work
  • Social Thinking
  • Lunchtime support
  • Lunchtime and after school homework club
  • The PE VIP Club
  • Mentoring and keyworker support
  • Access to our sensory room and sensory resources
  • Speech and Language Interventions such as ELKLAN
  • The Anxiety Gremlin

Hive 3 interventions, including:

  • Completion of Boxall profiling
  • Access to a bespoke SEMH curriculum via 1-1 and small group work
  • Access to emotional regulation strategies
  • Mentoring and keyworker support

In-class support can also be provided for pupils identified by the leadership of the SEND team as requiring it.