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The Barlow RC High School

Religious Education

RE Learning Journeys

Inspirational Quote

‘For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and plans to
give you a future and hope.’ Jeremiah 29: 11

Curriculum Intent

As the RE department in a Catholic school, Christ is at the centre of all we do, and the life and lessons of Jesus are interleaved throughout our curriculum.

All pupils study a knowledge-rich and ambitious programme of learning that provides them with the confidence and skills to answer life’s big questions.

We empower pupils, through religious literacy, to consider different lenses and therefore construct and appraise arguments and draw conclusions.

Guided by our teachers, the pupils anchor spiritual development for themselves and for everyone in our community. They develop a sense of their place in our world, nurturing their own faith and encountering other worldviews.

Our young people are equipped to go out into the world and promote a peaceful acceptance of everyone they meet, to think beyond themselves and recognise the dignity of every human person.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

The Bishops of England and Wales have just produced a new, national scheme of learning for all Catholic schools and this is currently being transitioned into our Year 7 RE Curriculum. Next year it will start in Year 8 and then, by 2025, it will have been embedded into all Key Stage 3. This is new and exciting curriculum is known as Religious Education Directory (RED) and its aim is to engage our young people, with the knowledge, understanding and skills to reflect spiritually, think ethically and theologically, and recognise the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.

Bishop Marcus Stock, Chair of the Department of Education and Formation states:
‘Catholic schools strive also to be of service to society. Religious Education plays its part in this endeavour by enabling all pupils to be confident and secure in their religious faith and knowledgeable and respectful of other religions, and so play a crucial role in building a cohesive society.’

There are six areas of study for the Year 7 Curriculum:

  • Creation and Covenant
  • Prophecy and Promise
  • Galilee to Jerusalem
  • Desert to Garden
  • To the Ends of the Earth
  • Dialogue and Encounter

The current Year 8 and Year 9 pupils are studying from the 2012 Religious Education Curriculum Directory (RECD) and some of the RED topics are being fed in as well and this includes:

Year 8:

  • Creation and Covenant
  • Christian Living and Prophesy
  • The Church
  • Catholic Beliefs, Rituals and Easter
  • Creation and Caring for our World
  • Dialogue and Encounter: Islam

Year 9:

  • Creation and Covenant
  • Poverty and corporeal works of mercy
  • Sin and forgiveness
  • Easter and the Paschal Mystery
  • Dialogue and Encounter: Judaism

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

All pupils study for a GCSE in Religious Studies. This is Edexcel Specification A. There are three main Areas of Study:

Area of Study 1: Study of Catholic Christianity
Written examination: 1 hour and 45 minutes (May)
50% of the qualification
Content Overview:
Pupils study all four content areas:

  • Beliefs and Teachings
  • Practices
  • Sources of Wisdom and Authority
  • Forms of Expression and Ways of Life

Area of Study 2: Study of Second Religion: Judaism
Written examination: 50 minutes (May)
25% of the qualification
Content Overview:
Pupils study both content areas:

  • Beliefs and Teachings
  • Practices

Area of Study 3: Philosophy and Ethics: Catholic Christianity
Written examination: 50 minutes (June)
25% of the qualification
Content Overview:
Pupils study both content areas:

  • Arguments for the Existence of God
  • Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st century

The aims of this qualification are to enable pupils to:

  • develop knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs.
  • develop knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings, and sources of wisdom and authority, including through Scripture.
  • engage with questions of belief, value, meaning, purpose, truth, and influence on human life.
  • understand the influence of religion on individuals, communities and societies.
  • understand significant common and divergent views between and/or within religions.
  • reflect on and develop personal values, beliefs and attitudes that will contribute to preparation for adult life in a pluralistic and global community.
  • construct well-informed and balanced arguments on matters concerned with religious beliefs and values.
  • analyse questions related to religious beliefs and values.
  • develop an ability to construct well-argued, well-informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating depth and breadth of understanding.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Support Materials

Specification A: https://qualifications.pearson.com/content/dam/pdf/GCSE/Religious%20Studies/2016/Specification%20and%20sample%20assessments/Specification-GCSE-L1-L2-Religious-Studies-A-June-2016-Draft-4.pdf

Endorsed Revision Guides:
My Revision Notes Edexcel Religious Studies:
Catholic Christianity (Specification A)
Faith and Practice in the 21st Century

Catholic Christianity Revision Guide:
(GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel Specification A)

BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zb48q6f


Religious Studies not only prepares pupils for working in a variety of roles, it also gives a range of skills that are valued by employers in a vast number of sectors. Studying Religious Studies gives pupils an understanding of world faiths and their relationship with the world we live in. Pupils gain insight into people, what makes them act and behave in certain ways and what motivates them to be the person they are. Pupils consider the theological, ethical, cultural, political and philosophical issues of religion and non-religious worldviews.

Some possible employment might be:

  • Religious organisations, such as the Catholic Church.
  • National and Local Government, including the Civil Service, Government Agencies, and Non-Governmental Organisations.
  • Educations: schools, colleges and universities in teaching, research and administrative positions.
  • The Armed Forces.
  • Charities, Voluntary and Non-Profit Organisations.
  • Social Services.
  • The Emergency Services.
  • The Caring Professions and Support Work.
  • Law and Order: criminal justice system, policing and
  • National Health Service (NHS): management or administration.
  • Publishing, media and journalism.
  • Public Relations, Advertising, Sales and Marketing.

Pupils develop specific skills that include:

  • Research and analysis.
  • Interpretation of information, formulation of questions and problem solving.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Organisation and time management.
  • Working in a team and working independently.
  • Communication skills.
  • Writing skills, including accurate referencing.
  • The ability to construct a reasoned argument and appraise it.
  • Empathy and the ability to understand people.
  • Appreciation of different perspectives and other peoples’ views and opinions.
  • Independent thinking and sharing personal views and opinions.