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The Barlow RC High School

School Health


In September 2014, the government issued some new guidance on supporting students with medical conditions. 

A significant change to the guidance is the way in which consent is given. Prescription Only Medicine can be kept long term within the school whereas over the counter medicines can only be kept for one week in school and after one week we expect parents or carers to collect the medication. Pupils can carry their own medication but this is at their parent/carer’s discretion and headteachers approval, taking into account how responsible their child would be in taking their medication. It is preferable, unless unavoidable due to the nature of the medical condition or illness, for pupils to take medication before they go to school, as soon as they get home from school, and then in the evening, depending on the intervals between dosages.

Medical conditions & school holding and administering medications

If your child has a medical condition and needs to take medication long term then a medical conditions form should be completed and returned to school. It is vital we have a record of all medication, prescribed or over the counter and that we have consent from you giving staff permission to administer medication as required or that you give consent for your son or daughter to manage his/her own medication.  If you require assistance with completing your medical conditions form contact school schedule a meeting with our SEND admin support to complete the form and discuss any concerns or additional information you need to share regarding the medication. Without the appropriate forms completed and written consent given we cannot store your child’s medication in school.

The medical conditions form is available for download above, alternatively contact the school and we will send one out to you.

Medical Conditions

If your child has a medical condition and needs to take medication long term then a medical conditions form should be completed and returned to school. It is vital we have a record of all medication, prescribed or over the counter and that we have consent from you giving staff permission to administer medication as required or that you give consent for your son or daughter to manage her own medication.

School Nurse

Our school nurse is employed by the NHS and on site one day a week.  Contact your child’s Head of Year to refer your child on for an appointment with the school nurse.

First Aid

We do not have a school nurse routinely on site and only provide first aid for accidents and emergencies.

If your child feels unwell or has an injury at home that requires treatment then please see your child’s GP or appropriate NHS service.

Our policy: If a child suddenly feels unwell when they are in school they go to their Head of Year who will liaise with home and arrange for a parent/carer to collect if necessary.

Pupils with Epilepsy

Please ensure you have completed and returned the Epilepsy Care Plan, which can be downloaded above along with a medical conditions form.

Pupils with Asthma

In another recent change, schools are now advised to keep emergency salbutamol inhalers in school,  however they can only be used by students for whom we have written parental/carer consent.  If your son or daughter has been prescribed an inhaler and you would like them to have access to a school inhaler in event of theirs being forgotten, lost or empty. You can consent to this on your child’s asthma care plan. 

If you haven’t completed an asthma care plan for your child, there is one available for download above or alternatively contact the school and we will send one out to you. 

Pupils attending educational visits with medical condition and medication requirements

Pupils with medical needs, conditions and medication requirements will be identified through the information that school holds on your child prior to the visit by the visit coordinator. The visit coordinator will liaise with home to make necessary arrangements. Please ensure you have provided the school with up to date medical information in order for us to identify your child’s medical needs. 

For pupils attending residential trips, parents/carers will be requested to provide up to date information on your child’s current condition and his/her overall health, medication requirements. This provides essential information to relevant staff to help your son or daughter manage his or her condition whilst away. 

Short term medications

If your child needs to take a short term medication in school please complete the short term medication form. Without the appropriate forms completed and written consent given we cannot store your child’s medication in school.

The short term medication form is available for download above, alternatively contact the school and we will send one out to you.

Please email the completed forms to admin@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk or send them to school as soon as possible. 

If you require further information please contact:

  • If you wish to discuss your child’s medical needs, or for more information please contact: Mrs R Seddon Assistant Headteacher (SEND and Inclusion) R.Seddon@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk or 0161 445 8053