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The Barlow RC High School

Pupil Tracking

Grading System

Revision Planner


Pupils, dependant on year group, complete a number of Big Tests in their year.

Staff Review Assessment Results

The assessment allows the teachers to see how each pupil is progressing. They reflect on pupils’ progress in each of the subjects they study. This system allows parents to see the developments made by their child and/or identify any areas of development.

Intervention Strategies are put in Place

Following the results of the assessments, teachers are able to look at how they can challenge the under performance of pupils and ensure those who are achieving, continue to do so. Subject teachers and Curriculum Leaders are involved in creating and implementing intervention strategies.

Review Targets / Impact

Our teachers compare tracking data between assessments to ensure the intervention strategies are effective and that pupils are making progress.  

Engage Parents

  • Parents receive a paper based tracking report after each assessment
  • Parents are invited to attend an annual Parents’ Evening to discuss their child’s progress