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The Barlow RC High School


Aim:  All homework is meaningful and supports and enhances pupil’s progress in all subject areas.

At the Barlow, all our curriculum areas set homework weekly to consolidate and enhance learning in school. Key Stage 3 pupils should expect 30-45 minutes of homework per day and Key stage 4 pupils at least 1 hour per day.  Curriculum areas use a mixture of online platforms, knowledge based learning and written assignments when setting homework. If pupils are required to access an online platform, user names and passwords will be issued by their class teacher. These will be recorded in the journal. 

Across the school a number of curriculum areas offer homework clubs at lunchtimes  where pupils can access IT to aid the  completion of homework tasks. There is also a homework club every lunchtime and from 3-3.30 every evening in the library.

To support your child in completing homework on time, please ensure they have
access to the following:

  1. Pen – Pencil – Ruler – Rubber – Sharpener – Calculator – compass – protractor & access to the internet
  2. If purchasing this equipment is an issue, please contact the school.
  3. Ensure your child has a school bag big enough to carry A4 books and a PE kit.
  4. Ensure your child has a quiet place to work for 30 minutes to1 hour a night undisturbed. There are spaces available at school if pupils prefer to complete work on site.
  5. Try to be involved in your child’s homework and ask them questions about it.
  6. Look through your child’s books and journal to see what learning is happening.
  7. If there is a valid reason as to why your child has not completed homework, please contact class teachers.

If you have any concerns or need support, do not hesitate to contact teaching staff, we are here to help.

Homework Outline – Year 7-11