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The Barlow RC High School

Ofsted Report

Ofsted Inspection

OFSTED Report - June 2024

OFSTED Report - June 2019

What Ofsted say about Leadership:

  • Senior leaders provide a good quality of education at the school.
  • The Headteacher and deputy headteachers provide especially strong leadership.  They have instilled a culture of high standards, reflection and ambition among staff.
  • Leaders are not complacent nor satisfied with the improvements made to date but are ambitious to further strengthen pupil’s education and life chances.
  • Senior leadership is a strength of the school, providing the ambition and capacity to further strengthen the quality of education.
  • Leaders know the school well.  They meticulously and effectively plan, review and refine actions to improve the school.
  • Leaders set and support a culture where pupils are aspirational, considerate of others and hard working.
  • The leadership of teaching, learning and assessment is good.
  • Subject leadership is effective, including in mathematics and science.
  • Senior leaders’ actions have helped ensure disadvantaged pupils make good progress.
  • Leaders manage effectively the attendance, behaviour and safeguarding of pupils.
  • The effective leadership of the provision for pupils with SEND is aiding their progress.
  • The careers guidance programme is well led and managed.
  • Governance is effective.  Governors take their responsibilities seriously.  They challenge and support senior leaders to improve the school.

What Ofsted say about Teaching/Learning:

  • The leadership of teaching, learning and assessment is good.
  • The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good overall, helping pupils make strong progress.
  • Teaching is effective across subjects and key stages and continues to improve.
  • Teaching is especially strong in English, Geography, History, French and Spanish.
  • Pupils routinely think deeply and apply their learning creatively in these subjects.
  • Leaders’ actions since the previous inspection have significantly improved the quality of teaching, especially in mathematics and science.
  • Teachers use their good subject knowledge to consistently engage pupils in challenging and interesting activities.
  • Teachers use consistently the assessment information available about pupils’ learning to set work which matches pupils’ needs and ability.
  • Teachers take account of the information they are provided with to help them plan activities which fully support and challenge these pupils in lessons.
  • Teachers support pupils’ high standards and good attitudes to learning.
  • Teachers effectively develop pupils’ literacy skills across all subjects.
  • Pupils with SEND are taught effectively.
  • Leaders’ plan an effective curriculum for pupils.
  • Homework provides pupils with time to learn and think about topics which interest them and supports them in strengthening any weaknesses in the subject knowledge or understanding.

What Ofsted say about outcomes:

  • Pupils’ outcomes are good.
  • The pupils at this school make good progress.
  • Pupils made much better progress than others nationally in French, Spanish, Geography and History.
  • Progress in English was above others nationally.
  • The progress of disadvantaged pupils has improved markedly since the previous inspection.
  • Disadvantaged pupils show their progress is good across subjects and year groups.
  • The current work of pupils with SEND shows they make good progress.

What Ofsted say about our pupils:

  • Pupils of all abilities, including the most able pupils, make good progress.
  • Pupils are highly motivated and typically learn with great enthusiasm.
  • Pupils’ work showed they complete the activities set and do so with care and precision.
  • Pupils behave well in lessons.  They listen to teachers and one another and take pride in their work.
  • Pupils’ behaviour is good.
  • They are courteous, happy and confident.
  • Pupils’ conduct around school and attitudes to learning are positive.
  • Pupils understand and value peoples differences, other faiths and cultures.
  • Almost all pupils moved on to aspirational next steps in education, training or employment.
  • Pupils understand the risks which might affect them and how to keep safe, including when online and using mobile devices.
  • Pupils know to whom they should report concerns and how to do this.
  • Pupils are confident to think creatively and equipped to grapple with and grasp complex ideas.
  • Pupils of all abilities, including disadvantaged pupils, regularly practise and strengthen their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • They read and learn from the challenging texts provided across a range of subjects and enjoy reading the books they borrow from the school.
  • Pupils speak confidently and with detail and imagination.
  • Pupils wear their uniform correctly and with pride.
  • Pupils respect their teachers and one another.
  • Pupils value people’s differences,
  • Pupils move around the school with care and consideration for others.
  • Pupils treat the school environment with respect.
  • A high proportion of pupils move on to stay in the courses of their choice, which provide next steps in education and training after leaving the school.

Section 48 Inspection