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The Barlow RC High School

Personal Development

Pupil Leadership 

The Barlow’s Pupil Leadership and Prefect Team gives our pupils the chance to voice their thoughts about school.

Pupil Leaders and Prefects are nominated by their classmates and represent each Family Group across all the Years. Each half-term they meet to debate and discuss issues which are important to pupils, as determined by the Leaders and Prefects. The Leadership Team make recommendations to the the Headteacher about school issues such as teaching and learning, student behaviour, rewards, extra-curricular activities and school policies.

The Barlow Leadership Award

What is Leadership?

Leadership means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. You might want to start by researching different views on leadership with your fellow students or teacher. This award recognises all sorts of different leadership activities, that you may well already have done or be doing. You might be on the school council, write for the school newsletter, be captain of a sports team, be a form register monitor, it really doesn’t matter as long as you are displaying the skills listed on the criteria grid.

How do you get the Award?

In order to gain an award, you will need to provide evidence for each of the 3 strands:

  • Strand 1 – Developing Myself
  • Strand 2 – Contributing to the School Community
  • Strand 3 – Working with Others

We suggest that you collect this evidence together in a portfolio (a folder)–at least one piece of evidence for each strand. The evidence could be anything: screenshots, letters or emails, photos, stills from videos, certificates, PowerPoint slides, a teacher testimony etc . You will also need to get your teachers’ signatures once you have completed a strand.

For more information contact Mrs E Holland…