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The Barlow RC High School


Senior Leader: Mrs Steers

Inspirational Quote

‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’
Nelson Mandela

Curriculum Intent

Pupils at The Barlow are given the opportunity to learn the full breadth and depth of the National Curriculum across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.  Curriculum design ensures that powerful knowledge is embedded and this empowers our young people to participate fully in society.

In Key Stage 3, the curriculum is highly ambitious and promotes the development of pupils academically and personally through the advancement of their knowledge, underpinned by our Catholic values.  We believe that pupils should receive a solid foundation across a range of subjects, before specialising in subjects in Key Stage 4 in preparation for sitting external examinations.  In Key Stage 4 all pupils study the ‘core’ offer of GCSE courses in Religious Education, English Language and Literature, mathematics and science.  In addition to this ‘core’ pupils have access to a range of diverse subjects from other curriculum areas.

Within lessons, teachers adapt their practice so that all pupils can learn the powerful knowledge that is required for success in their academic studies and beyond.  This is made possible due to our highly skilled and creative staff who have the learning and progress of our pupils at the centre of their craft.

By the end of their journey at The Barlow, our pupils have learnt not only powerful knowledge, skills and understanding of the curriculum but also the ability to show compassion, kindness and respect to all members of society.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

At The Barlow RC High School, pupils study Key Stage 3 for three years covering those in the National Curriculum and beyond. Pupils are taught in ability groups in:

  • Maths for Year 7
  • Maths, English and Science for Year 8
  • RE, Maths, English and Science for Year 9

Subjects have the allocations below over a fortnight, with pupils studying five one-hour lessons in total per day:

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
RE 5 5 5
English 8 8 8
Maths 8 8 8
Science 6 6 6
History 3 3 3
Geography 3 3 3
Languages 4 4 4
Computing 2 2 2
Art 2 2 2
Music 2 1 1
Drama 1 1 1
Design and Technology 2 3 3
PE 3 3 3
PSHCE 1 1 1

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Towards the conclusion of Year 9, pupils begin the Options Process of crafting their own curriculum to move into Key Stage 4. For Key Stage 4, pupils are grouped by ability in:

  • RE
  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • PE (non-examined)

Subjects have the allocations below over a fortnight, with pupils studying five one-hour lessons in total per day:

Year 10 Year 11
RE 5 5
English 8 8
Maths 8 8
Science 9 10
PE 4 2
Option X 5 6
Option Y 5 6
Option Z 5 4

Further Information

If parents/carers would like to find out more information about the curriculum at The Barlow RC High School, please contact Mrs Steers, Assistant Headteacher, via the email below: