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The Barlow RC High School


At The Barlow RC High School we have a zero tolerance to any form of bullying or discriminatory behaviour and any such incidents are treated extremely seriously in-line with our school’s Behaviour Policy. 

‘Pupils say bullying is rare, and staff deal with any incidents effectively. This includes racist and homophobic bullying. Pupils value people’s differences, as well as other faiths and cultures. Inspectors checked records of bullying, which show that any incidents of bullying are followed up and resolved effectively.’ OFSTED, June 2019

At The Barlow RC High School we actively seek to promote and uphold our school's zero tolerance approach to bullying and any form of discrimination. We are proud to respect, value and celebrate each other's differences. 

We urge pupils to be upstanding members of our school community and to report any form of bullying or unkind behaviour immediately via one of the many channels we have available in school: either to a trusted adult (in or out of school), a prefect, a member of our award-winning Anti-Bullying Ambassador Team, a Family Tutor, Head of Year, Pastoral Support Assistant or Safeguarding Co-ordinator; or anonymously through the Sharp System on the school's website. We deal with any allegation of bullying extremely seriously and robustly and work hard to support all of our pupils via our Pastoral,  Safeguarding and SEND Teams and our trained Mental Health First Aiders alongside a comprehensive Personal Development and PSHCE programme of study. 

The Barlow Anti-Bullying Champions:

  • Mrs N Staniforth – Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mrs C Redford – Anti-Bullying Link Governor
  • Miss L Seggie - Lead Anti-Bullying Ambassador
  • Ms J Bywater and Miss K Livings – Anti Bullying Champions
  • Mrs D Wilcox – PSHCE Co-ordinator 


Bully-Free Zone

We are extremely proud to successfully achieve the BIG Award in recognition of all of our hard work in this extremely important area of school life.


'Your portfolio was excellent and you obviously have a wide range of excellent strategies in place to address and prevent bullying. I am so pleased that The Barlow RC High School has once again achieved The BIG Award for Excellence in Challenging Bullying. Well-done to all students, staff and parents.'
 Val McFarlane, Director, Bullying Intervention Group

All pupils and teachers, upon entering our school community,  sign our school’s Anti-Bullying Pledge and are encouraged to live out our school’s SPAR values of : Service, Prayer, Achieve and RESPECT throughout their daily lives, both in and outside of school and in person as well as online.

Pupils are taught to appreciate and celebrate our diverse school community and via a comprehensive Personal Development Curriculum, they are able to explore and consider the potential impact the various forms of bullying can have on another person’s mental health and wellbeing. These sessions allow pupils to reflect on their own behaviour and actions and consider the feelings of others – both the victims and perpetrators of bullying. Pupils are taught strategies to help uphold a safe, bully free zone for all our school community at all times.

Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors:

We are so proud of the work that our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors do to support the mental health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff – they are a real credit to our school. Not only are they excellent role models and a support for their peers but it is also thanks to their proactive and creative work that we now have a new race in our annual Sports Day event – The Diversity Race. They also helped to pioneer the Red Card Against Racism Day which is now an annual event in school, as well as continuing to encourage staff to take care of their own wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Week.

Useful Contacts:

We regard any incidents of bullying or discrimination as very serious. If you have any concerns that you would like to raise with school directly, please contact your child’s HOY in the first instance, Mrs C Iddon (Key Stage 3 Leader), Mrs J Bowyer (Key Stage 4 Leader), Miss L Seggie (Anti Bullying Champion Lead) or Mrs N Staniforth – Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Tel: 0161 445 8053, admin@thebarlowrchigh.co.uk

Useful Links:

Read our Anti-Bullying policy here:
Anti-Bullying Policy Mar 24

You can report any incidents of bullying anonymously here on The Sharp System, our confidential reporting systemhttps://barlowrc.thesharpsystem.com